
You are eligible to ask a question or request a Q&A session via text, email or teleconference with one of our faculty upon the completion of any of the program modules. The primary purpose of this session will be to answer questions or provide information regarding the completed modules; however, other areas of interest may also be addressed at the discretion of the faculty member. Please fill out the form below and click the submit button. A ViralEd representative will be in touch to schedule your session.

Improving HIV 2018 Faculty Q&A Session Request
Your name *
Email address *
Phone Number *
Degree/Profession *
Which module(s) did you complete? * 1) Selecting ARVs and Individualizing Care  2) When and How to Modify ART Due to Patient Preference, Availability of New and Improved ARVs, or Virologic Failure  3) Addressing Patient Co-morbidities and Issues that may Interfere with ART Efficacy 
Which type of Q&A session is preferred? *
If email or text was requested, please add your question(s) here for our faculty panel.
The primary purpose of this Q&A session will be to answer questions or provide information regarding the completed module(s); however, other areas of interest may also be addressed at the discretion of the faculty member. Please list any other areas of interest you would be interested in discussing.
Your comments
* Required

Thank you for your request, a confirmation will be sent within 48 hours.  Once confirmed, text and email requests will be sent to a faculty member with a response given within one week.  If a teleconference was requested, the scheduling process will begin for a 15-minute call of which would be scheduled within one month of the initial request, based on faculty availability.